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Spotkania b2b dla branży IT
Zapraszamy Państwa do udziału w spotkaniach B2B, które odbędą się w ramach Programu Promocji Ministerstwa Gospodarki „Aktywizacja eksportu na wybranych rynkach”. Uczestnikami spotkań ze strony hinduskiej będą potencjalni kontrahenci z sektora IT.
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Targi E-COMMERCE 2015
W dniach 24-25 marca stoisko Branżowego Programu Promocji gościło na targach e-commerce w Sztokholmie. Targi te to cykliczna impreza poświęcona sektorowi handlu elektronicznego i narzędzi do wspomagania sprzedaży.
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Targi CeBIT 2015-1-11-30
Hanower po raz kolejny gościł targi CeBIT. Jedne z największych i najstarszych targów branży IT na świecie.
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Targi Mobile World Congress 2015-1-11-30
W dniach 2-5 marca odbyły się w Barcelonie największe targi telekomunikacyjne w Europie - Mobile World Congress 2015. Nie zabrakło tam firm reprezentujących sektor ICT z Polski.
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Targi Japan IT Week 2014 Autumn
W dniach 29-31 października odbyła się jesienna edycja najwieszych w Japoni targów z dziedziny IT - Japan IT Week.
Już po raz trzeci przedsiębiorcy z Polski reprezentujący sektor IT gościli na tej imprezie. Delegacja liczyła 11 firm co jest niewątpliwym sukcesem realizacji Branżowego Programu Promocji.
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Targi Futurecom 2014-1-11-30
W dniach 13-16 października 2014 gościliśmy na targach Futurecom, które tym razem odbywały się w słonecznym Sao Paulo.
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Misja wyjazdowa do Oslo-1-11-30
Przedsiębiorcy sektora IT/ICT zainteresowani współpracą na rynkach skandynawskich juz po raz trzeci będą uczestniczyć w gospodarczej misji wyjazdowej do Norwegii.
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Targi Futurecom w Brazylii-1-11-30
Już wkrótce odbędą się targi Futurecom w Brazylii - najwieksze targi dla branży IT w Ameryce Południowej. Tegoroczna edycja będzie miała miejsce w Sao Paulo w dniach 13-16 października. Przedsiębiorców zainteresowanych udziałem w tym wydarzeniu zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą.
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Zaproszenie do udziału w targach Japan IT Week-1-11-30
Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w targach Japan IT Week w dniach 29-31 października.
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Szansa na pozyskanie partnera biznesowego w Skandynawii-1-11-30
Pomorska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. ze Słupska organizuje kolejne misje gospodarcze do Skandynawii w ramach projektu "Inwestuj w Pomorskie 2". Jedenaście firm z Pomorza może ubiegać się o dofinansowanie udziału w wyjazdach.
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The IT/ICT conference in Warsaw2014-05-19
We would like to invite you to the conference: “Effective expansion of the Polish IT/ICT industry on foreign markets”. It will be held 10th and 11th June 2014 in Warsaw – in The National Stadium as IT Future Expo Fair. The conference is organized within the scope of the IT/ICT Business Promotion Program created and implemented by the Ministry of Economy.
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Polskie firmy prezentują się na targach CeBIT w Hanowerze2014-03-11
Od 10 do 14 marca trwają jedne z największych targów dla sektora IT/ICT - CeBIT w Hanowerze.
Wśród wystawców jest 10 firm z Polski, które biorą udział w wydarzeniu w ramach Branżowego Programu Promocji.
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Zmiana w kalendarzu wydarzeń - targi w Polsce2014-03-03
Nastąpiła zmiana w kalendarzu wydarzeń BPP. Zamiast targów Intertelecom w Łodzi, planowanych na kwiecień, uczestnicy Programu wezmą udział w targach IT Future Expo w Warszawie. Targi odbęda się w dniach 10-11 czerwca 2014 na Stadionie Narodowym.
Więcej informacji na stronie organizatora:
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Seminarium w ramach targów IT Solutions Expo w Szwecji-1-11-30
Pomorska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. ogłasza konkurs dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw z województwa pomorskiego na udział w wyjazdowej misji gospodarczej do Szwecji z sektora ICT w terminie 1-4 kwietnia* 2014 r.
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Misja gospodarcza i wyjazdowa do San Francisco2014-02-13
W pierwszych dniach lutego 2014 roku polscy przedsiebiorcy sektora IT odwiedzili w ramach misji gospodarczej i wyjazdowej Dolinę Krzemową.
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Seminarium dla przedsiębiorców z branży IT/ICT2014-01-14
Dnia 12 lutego w Hotelu MDM przy Placu Konstytucji w Warszawie odbędzie się seminarium na temat: „Skuteczna ekspansja polskiej branży IT/ICT na rynkach zagranicznych”. Wszystkich chętnych serdecznie zapraszamy!
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Rescheduling of the 2014 seminar2013-07-29
Industry news: Invitation to the Simo Network fair in Madrid-1-11-30
The international fair of ICT services and solutions for companies will be held in Madrid, between October 15th and 17th, 2013. It is one of the most important events of this kind held in Spain. The previous edition was host to 129 companies and nearly 18,000 visitors.
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Note! The level of allocation available in the program has exceeded 100%-1-11-30
The Polish Ministry of Economy has stated, that as of July 2, the level of requested co-financing under the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program exceeded 100% of the available allocation.
More »Industry news: New Inno-Tech Expo fair in Kielce-1-11-30
International fair of innovation and new technologies, Inno-Tech Expo, will take place in Kielce on October 17-19, 2013.
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Extended application deadline!-1-11-30
We kindly inform you that by order of the Polish Ministry of Economy, the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program has been extended until October 31, 2013.
More »Important information for companies applying for participation in the program-1-11-30
On June 26, 2013, the Polish Ministry of Economy updated the number of events in the timetable of the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program. Due to that fact, there is now a new number of activities, in which entrepreneurs must declare their participation. For companies submitting the application after July 1, 2013, it is 13 promotional activities.
More »Important information for companies participating in the fair-1-11-30
The Polish Ministry of Economy has decided, that an entrepreneur participating in fairs under the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program can choose an exhibition area of any size, not necessarily the previously obligatory 9m2.
More »Industry news: Invitation to IT fair in Stuttgart-1-11-30
On September 24-26, 2013 an expert IT & Business fair under the banner “Where IT works” will be held in Stuttgart.
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Receipt of applications deadline already on June 28!-1-11-30
We kindly inform you that by order of the Polish Ministry of Economy, the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the Branch Promotional Program falls on June 28, 2013
More »Velis' success at the Tokyo fair-1-11-30
The company Velis from Krakow was one of the several Polish enterprises present at the Japan IT Week fair in Tokyo. The representatives of Velis consider their participation in the event as a very beneficial experience and count for beneficial relations with their newly established business contacts.
More »Meeting with the heads of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section in the Ministry of Economy2013-06-05
Anyone interested in the meeting with the heads of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the countries included in the Branch Promotional Program is welcome to visit the seat of the Polish Ministry of Economy on June 11, on 13.30-16.30.
Please confirm your attendance until June 7, 2013 by sending en email to the following address:
More »Industry news: Japanese government supports foreign investors-1-11-30
Receipt of applications for the Japanese support program for entrepreneurs planning to conduct activities in Asia is open until June 3, 2013. Financing in the amount of even JPY 500 million is available for companies opening their regional representative offices and R&D centers in Japan. The program is coordinated by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
More »Polish entrepreneurs in Japan-1-11-30
Polish entrepreneurs have just returned from Tokyo, where they participated in Japan IT Week – the largest fair in Japan, where newest technologies and IT solutions of different kind can be found. A field mission and an economic field mission took place alongside the fair.
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Industry news: Poland at TechWeek in Chicago-1-11-30
In June this year, thanks to cooperation between the Trade and Investment Promotion Section in Washington, the Polish-American Chamber of Commerce in Chicago, the company Fragomen, the American Consulate in Krakow and Google Entrepreneurs, Polish tech companies will be presented at the TechWeek conference in Chicago. It is one of the most interesting events of this sort in the central part of the United States, where young tech companies have the opportunity to present their ideas to investors.
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Important information for companies joining the program2013-04-15
We kindly inform you that by order of the Polish Ministry of Economy, the minimum required number of promotional events under the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program has been changed. The necessary requirement for receiving the financing is the declaration of participating in no less that 14 promotional activities, not 22 as previously.
More »The IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program described by the media all over the world-1-11-30
Media all over the world is publishing information about the dynamically developing Polish IT/ICT sector.
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The conference in Łódź has ended2013-04-14
A conference organized under the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program took place on April 11-12. The conference was held in Łódź, alongside the ICT fair Intertelecom. Participants of the event were representatives of Polish IT/ICT enterprises and business-related and university institutions. The lectures were held by IT/ICT experts, who talked about cooperation perspectives for Polish IT companies on chosen foreign markets.
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IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program at the Intertelecom fair in Łódź2013-04-15
The IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program was present at the 26th International Fair of Electronic Communications Intertelecom in Łódź. Between the 11th and 13th of April, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the rules of the Branch Promotional Program and the offer of the Polish companies which exhibited their stands. Intertelecom is the biggest ICT fair in Poland. Numerous discussion panels and conferences accompanied this year’s edition of the fair.
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Report from a visit of foreign journalists in Poland2013-04-14
Representatives of foreign media came to visit Warsaw and Łódź in order to get acquainted with the quickly developing ICT sector. Please read the report from their visit.
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PLN 160 million for worldwide promotion of Polish economy2013-03-29
Polish entrepreneurs can submit their applications for co-financing for carrying out promotional activities on 5 promising foreign markets until June 30, 2013. The estimated amount of funds dedicated for this purpose is almost PLN 15 million. The remaining PLN 145 million is dedicated for the implementation of branch promotional programs. As much as PLN 160 million was allocated to the preparation of promotional materials, participation in fairs and conferences, etc.
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Conference for IT and ICT branch representatives-1-11-30
We have the pleasure to invite you to a conference entitled: “The export capabilities of the Polish IT/ICT branch on chosen foreign markets”, which will be held on April 11-12, 2013 as part of the Intertelecom fair in Łódź. The conference is organized under the IT/ ICT Branch Promotional Program developed by the Polish Ministry of Economy. The participants of the conference will have the chance to learn about cooperation opportunities with companies from the IT/ICT sector in chosen countries, as well as share their experiences related with promoting and developing a company on various markets.
Participation in the conference is free of charge.
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CeBIT fair 20132013-03-18
On March 5-9, 2013 another event within the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program took place. This time we visited the CeBIT fair in Hanover, which is the largest fair in Europe and one of the largest fairs in the world. This year Poland was the Partner Country at the fair, thanks to which our IT was talked about even more and more often. Feel free to watch the gallery of photos from this event.
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Poland at the CeBIT fair in Hanover2013-03-05
The biggest ICT fair in the world - the CeBIT fair - began today in Hanover. This year, Poland is the Partner Country at the fair which attracts hundreds of visitors annually. This event will be attended by over 150 Polish exhibitors and will be held on the area of over 3,000 square meters. The fair is accompanied by a number of smaller events and seminars.
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The Mobile World Congerss Fair in Barcelona has ended2013-03-01
The Mobile World Congerss Fair in Barcelona has ended.
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The seminar for IT/ICT entrepreneursis now over2013-02-04
On January 31, 2013 a seminar entitled: "The export capabilities of the Polish IT/ICT branch on chosen foreign markets" took place as part of the Branch Promotional Program. Numerous participants - entrepreneurs from the ICT sector, representatives of the academic community and of the German Embassy - listened to entertaining lectures and took part in workshops regarding the challenges in building relationships with foreign clients, conducted by Ms. Małgorzata Kniaź from the Emotion company.
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Field mission to Barcelona2013-02-03
We would like to invite you to participate in an economic field mission to Spain. The mission will take place on February 25-26 in Barcelona. The representatives of Polish IT/ICT companies will have the opportunity to take part in matchmaking meetings and in the Mobile World Congress fair. Should you be interested in participating in the mission, please get acquainted with the offer available in the About the program tab, in the Download section.
More »The IT INNOVATIONS EXPO fair in Sweden has ended2013-02-01
The IT INNOVATTIONS EXPO is the second fair, where booths of the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program were present. Polish companies presented their products and services, and established new business contacts.Participation in the fair was a perfect opportunity to meet people from the industry and reach potential contractors.
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Updated event schedule for 20132013-01-21
You are welcome to get acquainted with the updated event schedule for the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program in an abridged version.
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Field mission – USA – New York2013-01-12
An economic field mission to New York under the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program will take place on February 9-14, 2013. Polish entrepreneurs of the IT and ICT sectors will have the opportunity to meet with contractors and take part in a meeting with an IT expert from the USA, which will take place in the headquarters of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section.
All companies interested in the American IT market are welcome to participate in the field missions. For more information call Łukasz Nowak: tel. 883 213 574
More »Mobile World Congress fair (Barcelona, Spain)2013-01-10
The Mobile World Congress fair is one of the biggest events of the IT/ICT industry in the world. In 2012 the fair was attended by almost 1500 representatives of various companies, thousands of journalists and a large number of individual clients.
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Seminar for IT/ICT entrepreneurs2013-01-07
A seminar regarding "The export capabilities of the Polish IT/ICT branch on chosen foreign markets" will be held on January 31 (Thursday) at the MDM Hotel at Plac Konstytucji in Warsaw. Anyone interested is welcome to attend it.
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CeBIT fair in Hanover2013-01-03
It is one of the most prestigious events of this kind in the world.In 2013 Poland is the Partner Country at the fair.It is a special opportunity for Polish companies to enter the German market and establish contacts with potential business partners from all over the world.
Under the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program you can take advantage of an attractive offer for a fair booth, as well as participate in an Economic Mission and an Economic Field Mission, which will take place alongside the CeBIT fair.
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Recap of the economic field mission to the USA2012-12-17
An economic field mission to the USA under the Branch Promotional Program took place on December 10-11, 2012. The destination of the mission was Washington - the capital city, the seat of federal government and a vital business center. During the mission, meetings were held, regarding the characteristics of the American IT/ICT market and the development perspectives for the Polish companies operating in this sector.Seminars were held in the headquarters of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Polish Embassy in Washington.
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IT INNOVATIONS EXPO fair in Sweden2012-12-02
As part of the Branch Promotional Program, Polish entrepreneurs from the IT/ICT sector will participate in the IT INNOVATIONS EXPO fair in Goteborg. During the 2 days – January 22-23, 2013 – they will have the opportunity to exhibit their own products, present their services and meet with IT/ICT specialists. Participation in the fair is the perfect way to reach potential clients and establish business contacts.
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Field mission – USA – Washington2012-11-29
We would like to invite you to take part in a field mission to the United States of America.The mission will take place on December 8-13.More details can be found in a presentation available in the "Download" section.
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The economic mission to Norway has ended2012-11-28
An economic mission to Norway took place on November 20-23. The mission location was Oslo, where most IT/ICT sector facilities are situated.
During the mission, a seminar was held in the headquarters of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section in Oslo (WPHI). At the seminar, presentations were made by WPHI representatives: Mr. Janusz Steć – Counselor and Chief of Section, Mariusz Biedrzycki – First Secretary and Ms. Kirsta Kierulf, Mr. Thor Beke and Ms. Aleksandra Eriksen from the Norwegian-Polish Chamber of Commerce.
The participants of the mission did also have a possibility to take part in the CIO Forum conference, which took place on November 22 in the Oslo Kongressenter. This meeting allowed to establish contacts with IT entrepreneurs in Norway.
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Economic Mission to Norway2012-10-31
On November 21-22 2012 an economic mission, as well as an economic field mission to Norway will take place. The schedule and cost estimate are shown in the presentation available in the “Download” section –,16
Within the mission, participants will take part in meetings with experts of the IT market in Norway and with business-related institutions, as well as have the opportunity to make business contacts.
Should you be interested, feel free to contact us.
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Update of the cost estimate for participation in the BPP2012-10-29
In the “Download” section there is the updated version of the catalog of participation costs in individual events within the BPP. The given amounts may be additionally inflated by the applicant by up to 10% should they deem it necessary.
More »Manual for filling out the participation application form for the BPP2012-10-26
We would like to inform companies interested in participating in the IT/ICT BPP that there is an instructional video regarding filling out the participation application form for this program. The video comprehensively presents the entire process of filling out individual entries in the form.
The video was created through collaboration of the Ministry of Economy and the M Promotion Agency – the executor of the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program.
More »Do IT with Poland video available on the BPP channel on YouTube2012-10-19
The Do IT with Poland video is available again to watch on our YouTube channel if you click the following link:
Enjoy watching it!
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Another edition of the Futurecom fair is over2012-10-10
The biggest IT fair in South America, which is also one of the biggest fairs in the worldorganized in that region, is now over. We were present there to promote the Polish IT/ICT sector and to make the investors attending this event more familiar with its characteristics.
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Participation declaration form for the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program2012-10-08
We would like to remind all companies interested in participating in the IT/ICT BPP that the first formal stage of entering the program is submitting the declaration to the executor. The declaration template can be found in the “Download” section.
More »The seminar within the Branch Promotional Program has ended2012-09-28
We are happy to inform that the seminar organized as part of the Branch Promotional Program saw a very positive response from its numerous participants. The seminar regarding the prospects for development of the Polish IT/ICT sector on chosen foreign markets took place on September 25th in Warsaw. It was honored by the presence of entrepreneurs, as well as journalists working for trade magazines and websites.
Click “more” to see the full article.
More »Join us at the 2012 Futurecom fair2012-09-24
We would like to invite anyone interested to participate in the Futurecom fair in Rio de Janeiro. It is one of the biggest events in the IT/ICT sector in the world. Every year the fair is visited by tens of thousands of guests – entrepreneurs and IT specialists. It is a perfect opportunity to make interesting business contacts, or obtain information regarding the growing IT market in Brazil.
More »Date change for the economic missions to Norway2012-09-10
We would like to inform anyone interested in participating in the economic missions to Norway, that the dates for both events have been changed. The trips, which were supposed to take place on September 18-19 2012, will be postponed to November 2012. The exact date will be announced soon.
More »Seminar regarding the Polish ICT sector2012-09-05
We would like to invite anyone interested to participate in the seminar “Prospects for development of the Polish IT/ICT sector on chosen foreign markets”.
The seminar will take place in the Gromada “Dom Chłopa” hotel at Plac Powstańców Śląskich 2 on September 25th 2012 and will be directed towards people representing the broadly defined IT/ICT sector.
The schedule of the seminar is available in the “About the program” tab, in the ‘”Download” section.
The person on behalf of the M Promotion Agency to contact about the seminar: 22 818 00 23
More »Schedule for the economic missions to Norway2012-08-20
We would like to encourage you to get acquainted with the schedule for the economic missions to Norway, which will take place on September 18-19 2012.
The file with the schedule can be found in the “About the program” tab, in the “Download” section.
More »Important information concerning the IT/ICT BPP2012-08-16
We would like to encourage you to get acquainted with the newest information regarding the receipt of applications within the Branch Promotional Program.
In addition, we would like to inform you that the Ministry of Economy has published an instructional video regarding filling out the application form for the BPP.
The video was created through collaboration of the Ministry of Economy and the M Promotion Agency – the executor of the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program.
More »Press information for journalists interested in the IT/ICT BPP2012-08-08
We would like to invite all journalists interested in the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program to visit the “For the media” section, which can be found in the “About the program” tab.
There, you will find press information regarding the program, as well as contact information for the media.
More »Upcoming events within the IT/ICT BPP2012-07-31
We would like to encourage you to get acquainted with the upcoming events within the Branch Promotion Program.
More »News: Poles on the podium in the Code of Duty contest2012-07-24
The second edition of the “Code of Duty” programming contest organized by the Criteo company has ended. Among the 30 finalists there were as many as 12 Polish programmers. They also won the first three places in the finals.
More »Great financial results of Microsoft2012-07-23
The annual net income of Microsoft reached $17 billion. It is over $6 billion more than last year. According to the experts, the financial results of the concern were strongly influenced by the drop in sales of the Windows OS. However, there was an increase in, among others, inflows of the business solutions department.
More »Instructional video regarding filling out the participation form for the BPP2012-07-20
Anyone interested in seeing the video should email us.
More »Training regarding the Branch Promotional Program2012-06-21
On July 16th 2012, another training organized by the Ministry of Economy took place.
More »Advertisement for the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program in TOP 2002012-07-02
The newest issue of the TOP 200 Computerworld featured an advertisement of the IT/ICT Branch Promotional Program.
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Poland to be BITKOM and CeBIT Partner Country for 2013-1-11-30
Even after the end of the European Soccer Championship, Poland will remain in the center of attention of the companies from the new technologies sector. That is because in 2013 it will be the partner country of the BITKOM Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media, as well as the CeBIT fair.
Poland, a country with innovative and dynamically developing economy has been Germany’s most important trade partner for many years, emphasized Prof. Dieter Kempf, president of the BITKOM association. Thanks to its stable growth, the Polish market is extremely attractive to companies from the ICT sector. German enterprises can gain a lot through tightening relations with their eastern neighbor. The task of the cooperation within the established partnership is to also help the small and medium businesses appear on the international stage
More »Next downloads appeared in the Download section2012-06-22
There are new files available for download in the „About the program” tab.
More »Press about the industrial program of IT/ICT branch promotion2012-05-23
There are many publications about the industrial program of IT/ICT branch promotion in the Internet.
More »Ministry of Economy invites to a training2012-06-22
The Department for the Implementation of Operational Programs of the Ministry of Economy would like to invite you to participate in a free training regarding the sub-measure 6.5.2 “Support for participation of entrepreneurs in promotional programs”.
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